Card of the Month: March 2021

In honor of the spring equinox, and because we could all use a little humor and lightness, I invited my Affirmators oracle deck to provide this month’s message. Here it is!


Affirmators Oracle Deck

Story of My Life

“As I tell myself the story of what’s happening in my life, I choose to make it the kind of story where even the tough parts have a sort of inner beauty. It’s ultimately a happy story, where every character (no matter how wicked), is doing their best. And lemme tell you, it’ll be worth it when I earn that Pulitzer Prize for best inner monologue.”

What story are you telling yourself about your life? 

Stories are things you believe to be true, even if they aren’t. They usually come from your Inner Critic, that mean girl voice inside you that makes you afraid to do anything. Here are some examples:

It’s too late

I’ve been telling myself it’s too late to share this post on my blog. The voice says “You can’t make a post for Card of the Month for March! March is almost over! It’s too late!” What I decided to believe instead is that as long as the calendar still says March, it’s not too late. Alexandra Franzen has an excellent piece on this- Today is Not Over Yet. 

I’m too old

Yep, I believe this one about myself as well, especially in the context of comparing my accomplishments to what other people have accomplished. This also falls under the category of stories we tell ourselves about other people’s lives!

I’m not good enough

Really, we can fill in the blank with this one. Smart, pretty, thin, brave, young- you get the point. So much of the messaging we receive is that we aren’t anything enough to deserve whatever it is we desire. 

When you notice the stories you’re telling yourself, get curious and ask yourself if it’s true. This applies to the stories you believe about yourself and your life, and about other people.

How much brighter does your life get when you assume that everyone is just doing their best? There’s more patience, generosity, and peace available. 

Everyone is doing their best, including you!

This isn’t about toxic positivity or trying to love&light your way through life. It’s about paying attention to what we believe about ourselves and others, and asking the question “Is this true?” over and over again.

Who tells your story?

“And when you’re gone, who remembers your name?

Who keeps your flame?

Who tells your story?”

-Hamilton, An American Musical

This is partly a reminder that YOU get to tell your story by how you show up to every moment of every day. It’s also partly an excuse to quote Hamilton, and I’m not throwing away my shot. :)

What stories have you been telling yourself lately? Are they true?


Welcoming Spring With a New Altar


Card of the Month: February 2021