Welcoming Spring With a New Altar

This year, I’ve been finding it helpful to change out my altar with the arrival of each new month. Keep reading to see how I said farewell to March and welcomed April with my monthly altar ritual.


As March came to a close, I took some time to appreciate the altar I created for the month. I’ve been using the tarot and oracle cards I pulled in my Year Ahead Spread to build my altar for each month in 2021. At the end of the month, I take time to give gratitude to the items and then clear the altar, leaving it open for at least a few hours or even a few days.


On the first day of the month I gather the cards that I pulled for that month and select some crystals and sometimes other items to go with them. Goddess Gaia is my card for the year, so she’s always there. Before I add everything to the altar, I journal about the cards and look back at the notes I made for myself when I pulled them. For April, my cards are Ace of Pentacles and Autumn. Abundance and rest.


Selenite crystals are almost always on my altar- I love its cleansing and protection properties. This month I also included a citrine crystal because it represents abundance (Ace of Pentacles!) and also because the orange color connects with the candle and the leaves on the Autumn card. 

Once I have everything arranged and like the way the altar looks, I like to take a few minutes to light the candles and sit with the altar. I might do a meditation or just simply enjoy the beauty of what I’ve created.

That’s it! As you can see, your altar doesn’t need to take up much space or have a lot of items included, and you can change it as frequently or infrequently as you choose. Are you interested in learning more about working with an altar? Let me know in the comments what you want to know!


Card of the Month: April 2021


Card of the Month: March 2021