Card of the Month: February 2021

It’s the very first Card of the Month, yay! Every month I’ll pull a card from one of my decks and share some information to help guide you through your month. Expect a mix of Tarot and Oracle cards (of course) and some questions to help you do a little digging if you’d like to go deeper.


Queen of Pentacles, The Linestrider’s Journey by Siolo Thompson

Keywords: Nurturing. Home + Family Life. Self-Trust. Productivity. Prosperity. Fertility. Magic.

For February, I pulled the Queen of Pentacles from The Linestrider’s Journey by Siolo Thompson. From her description:

“...the Queen of Pentacles represents the strong, dependable, nurturing aspect of women.”

-Siolo Thompson, The Linestrider’s Journey

I love this card for February! With everyone more isolated than ever in winter, this can be a good time to focus on your immediate surroundings. The Queen of Pentacles reminds us to prioritize our family and our homes, to surround ourselves with what and who makes us happy, and to nurture ourselves and others.

The Queen of Pentacles tells us to let magic flow to and through us from the natural world. 

“Where the Magician manipulates the forces hidden in the world, the Queen of Pentacles joins herself to those forces, allowing them to flow through her into her daily life.”

-Rachel Pollack, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom

Finally, she asks us to trust ourselves and our magic.

“She knows and believes in herself, and in the magic of her life.”

-Rachel Pollack, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom

Questions to explore:

How can you invite the nurturing and magical essence of the Queen of Pentacles into your daily life?

What feels magical about nature and the physical world to you right now?

In what ways have you trusted yourself in the past? How can you bring some of that trust into a part of your life that needs it?


Card of the Month: March 2021


The Year Ahead Spread